Friday, 27 January 2012

Opening of "Harry Brown" - Aimee

Titles begin with a diegetic sound of gangsta's/chavs talking and shouting. This is used as a sound-bridge to link the straight cut into the film. It then shows a medium shot of three men, dressed in hoodies standing by a graffited wall. This establishes the location. The camera is used as a point of view shot as it is shown to be filmed on someone's camera. Stereotypes are used as they're stood in this graffitied place, smoking drugs. To stretch this further a close up of an illegal gun is used as a plot device and the diegetic sound of the gun is enhanced so it is clear what it is and to draw attention to it. The colour of this shot is very dark and cold. Darkness suggest; evil, bad.

A straight cut to a title screen and then another straight cut which is accompanied by a parallel soundtrack (rock music-fast paced) which is a fast tracking POV. The diegetic sound of a motorbike and a close up of a tyre which shows the importance of this object and how it will become their downfall. 
Very canted shots show different settings whilst racing around on the bike. We see dingy garages, council estates, etc. This suggests a run-down working class area, where crime is quite high compared to a calm countryside. 

Still in a fast tracking shot, we see a young women pushing a pram in a long shot. Another close up of the gun seen earlier suggesting something is going to happen between the women and these boys. Diegetic sound of the women shouting and screaming with both of the boys laughing. The sound of the gun is enhanced as it has an importance in this shot. Then there is another long shot of the women being shot in the head and one of the boys hand holding the gun, which suggests its dominance. 

It then ends on a canted angle showing a truck which has hit them and one of the boys lying on the floor next to the motorbike. Digetic sound of a wheel spinning and the sound of cars. It is a still shot as it contrasts against the fast paced shots before.


  1. The shot of the woman/pram to another shot of the gun - suggests a connection. Achieved through editing.

  2. consider the composition of the gun shot above - we see the gun but we can't see who has shot it? Very cleverly composed shot.

  3. camera movement is also very important when cycling around - it is deliberately disjointed and hand held to atempt to mirror the excitment and perhaps drug induced state of the boy on the bike.

  4. Is the entire footage supposed to give impression of it being filmed on a camera phone?
